A very relaxing day in the Sila with its beautiful panoramas, clean air, numerous attractions and high quality food. Calabria got its fantastic winter season in the Sila. The snow lovers should visit it once in their lifetime. Sila has been always fascinated lot of people during centuries, since the time of the Greek and […]
Have you ever thought to experience a traditional folkloristic event in its all? Well, if your answer is so, then you need to come and live the Carnival in Calabria, the funniest pagane festivity where the weird becomes normal and the joke is a must! Each village, town got its own celebration. Along the main […]

Have you ever thought about the many ways to enjoy a peaceful winter holiday on the snow? Have you ever considered Calabria as winter location? Well, if your answer is no for both questions, then you should just read this and discover what Calabria can offer you! Calabria is not just sea, sun and hot […]
And after only 2 months the Christmas festivity has gone, just before the Lent period that precedes the Easter, it is time for the Carnival, the funny and coloured festivity where the weird becomes normal and the joke is a must. Its celebration goes back to the Greek Dionysian rituals and Roman Saturnalia and its peculiarity […]